Birgit Vogel Heuser教授是海威水務監察委員會新成員:
Effective May 01, 2018, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Birgit Vogel-Heuser has become new member of the Supervisory Board of HAWE Hydraulik SE.
She succeeds Robert Schullan who, after nine years on the Supervisory Board, has joined the Management Board of HAWE Hydraulik, as Chief Sales Officer (CSO).
With Prof. Vogel-Heuser, HAWE Hydraulik is gaining a distinguished personality from the world of mechatronics and automation, further strengthening the company's innovative strength and technology development in the area of?? ??Industry 4.0 and IoT.
Prof. Vogel-Heuser has headed the Department of Automation and Information Systems at the Technical University of Munich since 2009. She is spokesperson for the Collaborative Research Center 768: "Cycle Management of Innovation Processes" and member of the German Academy of Engineering Sciences eV (acatech). At her academic chair, she is researching the development of distributed inligent embedded systems in mechatronic products and production facilities. The aim is to improve both the quality of the products, the consistency in the engineering as well as the availability during operation .
Other members of the Supervisory Board of HAWE Hydraulik SE remain Hans-Jürgen Thaus (Chairman) and Dr. Alexa Haeusgen.