GLV18-55/73/120P+F倍加福傳感器GLV18-55/73/120 P+F光電式傳感器供應
品牌 | P+F/德國倍加福 |
Retroreflective sensorGLV18-55/73/120
Efficient Line in a short M18 plastic housing for standard applications
Very high detection range
4 LEDs indicator for 36
P+F倍加福傳感器GLV18-55/73/120 P+F光電式傳感器供應
Retroreflective sensorGLV18-55/73/120
Efficient Line in a short M18 plastic housing for standard applications
Very high detection range
4 LEDs indicator for 360° visibility
Optimized potentiometer design for a clear control button layout in the application
Version with front optical face
DC voltage version
Retroreflective sensor with polarization filter
General specifications
Effective detection range 0 ... 4 m
Threshold detection range 5.5 m
Light source LED
Light type modulated visible red light , 640 nm
Polarization filter yes
Diameter of the light spot approx. 200 mm at 5.5 m
Angle of divergence approx. 2 °
Functional safety related parameters P+F倍加福傳感器GLV18-55/73/120 P+F光電式傳感器供應
MTTFd 920 a
Mission Time (TM) 20 a
Diagnostic Coverage (DC) 0 %
Indicators/operating means
Function indicator LED yellow: lights up when receiving the light beam ; flashes when falling short of the stability control; OFF when light beam is interrupted
Electrical specifications
Operating voltage 10 ... 30 V DC
Switching type light/dark on
Signal output 2 PNP, complementary, short-circuit protected, open collectors
Compliance with standards and directives
Standard conformity
Product standard EN 60947-5-2:2007
IEC 60947-5-2:2007
Mechanical specifications
Degree of protection IP67
Connection 4-pin, M12 x 1 connector
Housing PC
Optical face PMMA P+F倍加福傳感器GLV18-55/73/120 P+F光電式傳感器供應
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- 現貨供應P+F傳感器
- 德國倍加福P+F溫度傳感器
- 倍加福P+F傳感器*
- 倍加福P+F傳感器,現貨庫存*清倉
- 倍加福P+F傳感器德國廠家供應
- 德國倍加福傳感器原裝正品報價
- 倍加福P+F傳感器原裝正品保證