美國SKC采樣器AIRCHEK TOUCH個人采樣泵有一個彩色觸摸屏顯示。這為用戶提供了一個直觀的觸摸界面,在泵的各種功能。顏色的使用,注意顯示信息的各種物品,如運行/停止鍵,實時流量提醒。背光屏幕保護蓋和有安全鎖定系統,防止篡改的取樣過程中。
1 彩色電阻式觸摸大屏,LCD背光顯示
2 屏幕保護蓋用于屏幕保護和安全
3 設計輕巧、便于攜帶,靜音運行
4 設計的內部流量傳感器
5 LED指示泵的運行及故障狀態
美國SKC Air Chek Touch采樣泵技術參數:
流量范圍 | 5-5000mL/min,5-500mL/min(配低流量設配器) |
補償范圍 | 5000mL/min,20英寸水背壓 4000mL/min,30英寸水背壓 3000mL/min,40英寸水背壓 2000mL/min,50英寸水背壓 1000mL/min,50英寸水背壓 |
精度 | 流量:校準后±5% 壓力:±0.3 Hg 溫度:±0.1℃ |
| 隨溫度和環境壓力的變化,可調整流速 |
用戶界面 | 彩色LCD,觸摸屏,易編程,可自動鎖定 |
顯示 | 實時數據顯示,可顯示采樣時間、運行時間、環境溫度、壓力、累計體積 |
運行時間 | 2000mL/min,20小時 5000mL/min,10小時 連接充電器,不間斷運行 |
溫度范圍 | 操作溫度:0~45℃、充電溫度:0~45℃、儲存溫度:-20~45℃ |
濕度范圍 | 操作、儲存:≤95% RH,不凝結 |
| 流量故障和自動重啟 |
采樣方式 | 靜音,可進行連續、定時或間歇采樣 |
電源 | 可移動充電鋰離子電池、AC適配器 |
充電時間 | 大約3小時 |
認證 | 滿足RoHS要求、具有CE、UL認證 |
重量 | 550g |
尺寸 | 10.4 x 9.4 x 7.1 cm |
The SKC AirChek Touch brings a fresh approach to air sampling. It is the first personal sample pump to have a colour touch screen display. This provides the user with an intuitive, touch interface to navigate the pump’s various functions. The use of colour draws attention to the various items of information displayed, such as the run/stop key, real time flow rate and alarms. The backlit screen has a protective cover and there is a security locking system to prevent tampering during sampling.
- Colour touch screen navigation with easy programming
- Compact, lightweight design
- Extended flow range, 5 to 5000 ml/min, suitable for dust sampling and vapour sampling
- Patented* isothermal internal flow sensor
- Powerful Li-ion battery for long run times
- Large backlit LCD with protective screen cover
- Highly visible pump run and fault status LEDs
- Automatic, hands free calibration using CalChek
Operating Temperature
- Operating: 0 to 40°C (32 to 104°F)
- Charging: 0 to 45°C (32 to 113°F)
- Storage: 0 to 45°C (32 to 113°F)
- 10.4 x 9.4 x 7.1 cm (4.1 x 3.7 x 2.8")
- 550 g
- Recessed connector for 1/4" ID tubing
- Durable polycarbonate case
- Rubberised anti-static overmoulding
- Large belt clip
- CE marked
- Intrinsic safety: UL CLass I, Div I, Groups A, B, C and D;Class II, Div I, Groups E, F, and G;Class III, Div I, hazardous locations when used with SKC battery pack model P75718;T-code T3C. Exia;Class I, Zone 0 Group IIC
- ROHS compliant