Nicotinic acid (Vitamin B3) 3
Concentration: 1.0 mg/mL
Solvent: Methanol
Unit Size: 1 mL/ampoule
CAS Number: 59-67-6
Chemical Formula: C6H5NO2
Molecular Weight: 123.11
Nicotinic acid, also known as niacin, is a water-soluble vitamin of the B complex and essential human nutrient. Niacin deficiency, often the result of impaired nutritional status associated with conditions ranging from malnutrition to chronic alcoholism, is monitored in patient plasma samples by HPLC. This Certified Spiking Solution® is suitable for use as a starting material in the preparation of linearity standards, calibrators or controls in a variety of testing applications from diagnostic testing of niacin deficiency by HPLC to quality control testing of niacin-based pharmaceutical preparations, dietary supplements, or fortified foods.
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