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來源:伊爾耐德(天津)科技有限公司   2025年02月21日 09:08  








Composite step drill grinding product introduction

lrnide(Tianjin) Technology Co., Ltd. provides professional grinding solutions for composite step drills.

The specific work flow of composite step drill grinding is as follows:

First, conduct a comprehensive inspection of the composite step drill, use various high-precision measuring instruments to obtain the size of each step of the tool, cutting edge condition and other information, and record wear data.

Then, conduct in-depth analysis based on the inspection data, formulate a personalized grinding plan based on the cutting requirements and material characteristics of different steps, and combine the overall performance requirements of the tool to determine the grinding depth, angle and grinding order of each step.

Then, use professional grinding equipment to first fix the composite step drill on a suitable fixture, and then finely grind each step in turn according to the grinding plan to ensure that the cutting edge sharpness and dimensional accuracy of each step meet the requirements. During the grinding process, strictly control parameters such as grinding speed and feed rate to ensure the consistency of grinding quality.

Finally, after grinding, the composite step drill is fully inspected again to ensure that the dimensional accuracy and concentricity between the steps meet the requirements. At the same time, the roughness and sharpness of the cutting edge are measured to ensure that the composite step drill can continue to operate stably and efficiently during the drilling process to meet various complex drilling processing needs.


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